Fluxer website Search Close navigation nl fr en Applications Drinking water Wastewater Steam Oils and fats Gas Manure Granulates & powder Foods Chemicals Services Custom assembly Commissioning and start-up Repair Careful overhaul Hands-on needs analysis Training Reliable transport Products Valves Auxiliary flow products Measurement and control Actuators Check valves Industries Basic industry Foods Manufacturing industry Agriculture Transport & storage Energy Petrochemistry & refining Recycling News Contact Fluxer website News Contact Change the language to en nl fr Applications Drinking water Wastewater Steam Oils and fats Gas Manure Granulates & powder Foods Chemicals Services Custom assembly Commissioning and start-up Repair Careful overhaul Hands-on needs analysis Training Reliable transport Products Valves Auxiliary flow products Measurement and control Actuators Check valves Industries Basic industry Foods Manufacturing industry Agriculture Transport & storage Energy Petrochemistry & refining Recycling Search Open navigation Homepage Products Measurement and control Flowmeters Flowmeters Select a category... Valves Auxiliary flow products Measurement and control Actuators Check valves Valves Auxiliary flow products Measurement and control Actuators Check valves Batch controllers Control valves Flowmeters Level Measurement Pressure meters Solenoid valves Filter Temperatuurbereik tot 400){ return; } $dispatch('update-active-filter', { 'attribute': 'text_temp_max', 'value': $event.target.value, 'checked': true, 'singleValue': true })" > °C Work pressure tot 1000){ return; } $dispatch('update-active-filter', { 'attribute': 'text_werkdruk_max', 'value': $event.target.value, 'checked': true, 'singleValue': true })" > bar Casing Carbon steel Polyamide, glass fiber reinforced stainless steel Connection Flange connection, PN10/16/40 Flanged, threaded, welding connection, tri-clamp Flensaansluiting Application conductive products groundwater, drinking water, waste water and sea water neutral, slightly aggressive liquids steam and neutral gases FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1 DeviceNet Modbus RTU/RS485 PROFIBUS PA Profile 3 PROFIBUS DP Profile 3 Sitrans flow meter FM MAG 3100 P - DN15 to DN300 max. 40 bar CE, PED, EAC, CRN conductive products -25°C to +150°C transmitter F M MAG 5000/6000 p 146 Sitrans flow meter FM MAG 5100 W - DN15 to DN2000 max. 40 bar CE, PTB, KIWA, BELGAQUA groundwater, drinking water, waste water and sea water -10°C to +70°C transmitter F M MAG 5000/6000 p 146 Bürkert Type S030 - Mechanical flow sensor PN16 CE, 3.1 (acc. to EN-ISO 10204), FDA SE30, SE30 Ex, SE32, SE35, SE36 or 8611 neutral, slightly aggressive liquids -15…+100 °C Coriolis flow meter Sitrans serie FC Sitrans FM MAG 5000/6000 - flow transmitter 11-30VDC/11-24VAC 115-230 VAC 230V HART 0 - 16 bar HART communication protocol MAG5000see table MAG6000 below steam and neutral gases -20°C to 50°C Bürkert SE30 - flowmeter transmitter 0 - 16 bar Ex, with display, ... neutral, slightly aggressive liquids 12-36 V DC -20°C to 50°C Would you like our catalog? Download here U gebruikt een verouderde browser. Upgrade uw browser om uw ervaring te verbeteren.